John Carpenter profile

Performance Details

Batting and fielding history
 Total 3332103364015.27000080
Season: 1993
 All teams11111000020
Season: 1992
 All teams8831144022.80000020
Season: 1991
 All teams77044226.29000010
Season: 1990
 All teams111051373527.40000020
Season: 1989
 All teams551401810.00000010
Season: 1985
 All teams110000.00000000

Bowling history
SeasonMatchesOversMaidensRunsWicketsBest Bowling5WAverageEconomy
Total37348.0651190445 - 51127.053.42
1993115.005000 - 5000.003.33
1992875.010300105 - 51130.004.00
1991663.41520262 - 36033.673.17
199015128.022456173 - 28026.823.56
1989766.218182114 - 54016.552.74
Recent performances

For performances since

  • Performances
  • Batting by position
  • Batting by dismissal
No records to display.
PositionInningsAverageTotal Runs
No records to display.
Mode of dismissalInnings
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