John Barr profile

  • Awards

    Club Captain - 1979

Performance Details

Batting and fielding history
 Total 1105817327237.9800007241
Season: 1982
 All teams2111323122.880000176
Season: 1981/2
 All teams4412096.67000001
Season: 1981
 All teams106239139.75000062
Season: 1980
 All teams841381712.67000022
Season: 1979
 All teams952441314.67000062
Season: 1978
 All teams2212543176.1400001111
Season: 1977
 All teams1961532310.600000124
Season: 1976
 All teams1710267238.3800001813

Bowling history
Recent performances

For performances since

  • Performances
  • Batting by position
  • Batting by dismissal
No records to display.
PositionInningsAverageTotal Runs
No records to display.
Mode of dismissalInnings
No records to display.