Jock Rutherford profile

Performance Details

Batting and fielding history
 Total 296164581017279.590000580
 Page 1 of 3, items 1 to 20 of 49.
Season: 1963
 All teams51100NaN000010
Season: 1962
 All teams103029269.67000030
Season: 1961
 All teams95048199.60000040
Season: 1960
 All teams1332101010.00000010
Season: 1959
 All teams31100NaN000000
Season: 1958
 All teams1274462215.33000010
Season: 1957
 All teams201053787.40000030
Season: 1956
 All teams30191265139.29000050
Season: 1955 (Showing 2 of 4 items. Group continues on the next page.)
 All teams732111.00000020

Bowling history
SeasonMatchesOversMaidensRunsWicketsBest Bowling5WAverageEconomy
Total2061955.17661465448 - 83311.303.14
1963548.01372114 - 1406.551.50
1962877.111245235 - 16210.653.17
1961780.010222237 - 4829.652.78
196013129.34376294 - 12012.972.90
1959440.00155116 - 40114.093.88
19581097.07284287 - 28210.142.93
195714126.011500355 - 45214.293.97
195617174.08527616 - 2968.643.03
195517145.04400384 - 7010.532.76
195415142.04495425 - 36211.793.49
195316148.34396326 - 16112.382.67
195213125.00467366 - 28312.973.74
1951980.00266256 - 37210.643.33
1950765.00190144 - 50013.572.92
194913108.00319368 - 828.862.95
194811105.00342173 - 11020.123.26
194713130.00434426 - 20410.333.34
194614135.00456416 - 32411.123.38
Recent performances

For performances since

  • Performances
  • Batting by position
  • Batting by dismissal
No records to display.
PositionInningsAverageTotal Runs
No records to display.
Mode of dismissalInnings
No records to display.