P Lait profile

Performance Details

Batting and fielding history
 Total 19163105408.08000010
Season: 1946
 All teams64119146.33000000
Season: 1945
 All teams1312286408.60000010

Bowling history
SeasonMatchesOversMaidensRunsWicketsBest Bowling5WAverageEconomy
Total880.00146206 - 2127.301.83
1946550.0081116 - 2117.361.62
1945330.006596 - 2717.222.17
Recent performances

For performances since

  • Performances
  • Batting by position
  • Batting by dismissal
No records to display.
PositionInningsAverageTotal Runs
No records to display.
Mode of dismissalInnings
No records to display.