Chingford Cricket Club News story

Cricket Week 8-12 July

25 Jun 2019

The Chingford Cricket Week takes place Monday 8 - Friday 12 July at Forest Side with a fixture each day. The bar will be open throughout the matches and food will be available in the evenings - so please do try and pop along and enjoy the fun..

Fixtures and start times are as follows:

Mon 8th Wormcasts 2:00

Tue 9th President's XI 11:30

Wed 10th Lloyds of London 11:30

Thu 11th Chinghoppers 11:30

Fri 12th Ben MacGregor's XI 1:00

Teams have now been selected and players notified for all the games. If you find that you become available nearer the time and would like to play please speak to Michael Blake who will add your name to the reserve list in case any places become available.