Chingford Cricket Club News story

Availability for Saturdays 9,16,23,30 Sep

04 Aug 2023

At present we have one home fixture arranged for each of the last four Saturdays of the season.

We are likely to be oversubscribed so it would be helpful if you could please provide asap your availability to Michael Blake for each of these Saturdays. This will help us evaluate if additional fixtures are required, in which case there will be more time to secure them and obtain those of the correct standard.

In your application to play you should indicate whether you are available to play home or away or either. Anyone who is inflexible with the venues is likely to find themselves placed at the bottom of the pile for selection as it will be necessary to select teams that are balanced and also match the expected strength of our opponents.

Players will not be asked or chased, it is down to you to apply. Selection for these matches takes place at 9am on the Monday before each game.